Monday, December 23, 2019

Camtasia Quiz Ipad

Since i cover elearning tools, i give the edge here to techsmith, who smartly put their camtasia product on the mac app store. so how about a captivate for ipad app, or a articulate engage ipad app or camtasia or snagit for ipad? elearning , articulate , camtasia, techsmith , adobe.more. I believe camtasia makes it extremelly easy to add just the right amount of hotspots and quizzes to videos within context, and this is one of the reason why i believe camtasia 8 is a must-have tool for learning design, especially because i truly believe the future of learning design calls for all of us to hit the soft reset button and embrace. A quiz can be in the same form as a knowledge check but a record of the student’s answer is created and reported to an lms or via an e-mail report. feedback to the student is optional, again depending on your testing strategy. in camtasia studio, you can insert a quiz question or set of questions anywhere on the timeline you deem appropriate..

Camtasia 3.0.2 (2016) Eng ยป

Camtasia 3.0.2 (2016) eng