Thursday, September 19, 2019

Camtasia Playback Speed

Is it possible to increase the playback speed of a camtasia project, but not the actual speed of the video? is there a way to increase the playback speed for a video within camtasia only, and still maintain the same original speed when exported? video camtasia. share | improve this question. asked feb 15 '17 at 9:06.. One of the new features in camtasia studio 8.4 is the ability to “speed up” the playback of a video in the camtasia player. don’t get confused here…this feature is in the player – and not something you do during editing. it simply gives the viewer the option of increasing the speed of the playback.. My recordings are little a bit slow and boring and i would like to speed them up like youtube speed 1.25x, but whenever i speed them up my voice tone changes badly (get more thinner) unlike youtube playback, the voice flows at higher rate and voice tone is normal..

In camtasia studio, after adding the clip to the timeline you right-click and select "clip speed". allows you to set the speed as a percentage of original playback time. you have to produce the movie for the change to take effect.. Increasing the speed value will make the video playback faster while decreasing the speed value will create a slow motion effect. setting the speed value at 0.50 will slow down the video playback speed by half while inserting 1.50 value into the speed box will make it one and a half times faster.. To view the source file dimensions, right-click the file in the media bin and select properties (camtasia 9) or details (camtasia 8). to view the project settings in camtasia 9, select file > project settings > canvas dimensions. in camtasia 8, see the example below. some behaviors may cause delays in the playback in the preview window..

camtasia playback speed

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