Thursday, August 22, 2019

Ps3 Download Keeps Freezing

Hi there, i bought my first ps3 slim few months ago and i had to return it because a black screen that comes on for 5 seconds and then back to normal, got another new one after 4 months i'm having problems and yet again my ps3 freezes alot while loading a game and it freezes while playing online.. What's wrong with my ps3?, keeps freezing up whenever i go into the ps3 menu during a game by pressing the ps button on the controller, the menu fails to load properly and whenever i try to exit it seems to freeze up as it's trying to exit the menu and i cant reset during that time.. My ps3 download keeps freezing ? it says i need an update to go online and every-time i try to download it, it freezes at a random number under 10% and wont go up. i can cancel the download, its just the download itself freezes not the ps3.

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Ps3 freezing problem fixed about it? leave a comment. also ive been hearing rumors about update 3.41 being corrupted when downloaded so if ur ps3 recently started freezing after the update it. I would like an easy fix for my ps3 freezing up i tried to file restore and the vaccum but they didnt work it freezes up about 5 minutes into the game try replacing the hard drive. ps3 uses 2.5" drives.. My downloads have been freezing for the past 3 weeks now, but for some reason, if i leave my ps3 on for a few hours, everything's complete! i don't know what happenes after those 3-4 hours, but.

ps3 download keeps freezing

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